On our silver reflection day the first thing we did was make was really awesome things like water collage made out of magazines and pirate ships made out of egg cartons and dream catchers made out of cds and string at lunch I saw room two still working on there projects like making
A hacky sack throwing game and when it was ready they put it by the mud kitchen that they made there was a real sink but with no tap and no pipe there were other plates and things on the top or in the sink and it is surrounded by bark and some mud.In the middle of the day we had more fun things to make like animal painted plant holders most of the people in our class made that then i thought i would make something myself i thought for a while and i thought i would make a ship and so did james but he said it was a rocket to there was no more egg cartons so we used plastic bottles. At the end we did not get bronze not silver but green gold.`