Thursday 20 May 2021

You've probably made a mother's day card, but have you seen this one

Today we were learning how to weave and make a card because it was close to mother's day. Also it was an exciting day because we were in our pj's while making our cards. We used white string to weave through and across all the holes that I made at the beginning of our art. The hardest part was a little bit hard. I had to to weave through the holes with thick tape but over that it was enjoyable. In the comments rate my art out of 1 to 10 thank for reading and kakito. 


JA past present future

I enjoyed making this Past Present and Future slides because I got to see olden day stuff.  We were learning to compare past things and what they look like now. Next time I would change the pictures because i'm sure there are a lot more. I found it tricky to think of the images. 


My amazing anzac postcard!

 We've been learning about anzac day because well It's anzac day and we made this because to show you how the mail was.First I made a square then I made a triangle, turned It upside down then put it on the top like It was a flip . Then put a red circle on the top to make It like a stamp or a sticker.After that I put a white square then used the line tool to make the rips and put them on each side. Then made them the colour of mail so It would look more real. When I was close to the end I put my writing on the white square then added a rip to make you read It .Please comment on what I should change.    

Tuesday 18 May 2021

JA abc,s

i enjoyed making this video because i learned something as well. Next time i would change the way i did it i could do better. 


Friday 14 May 2021

JA paradise

i enjoyed making this piece of writing because i had a lot of ideas in my head. Next time i hope i can get more detail.


I can smell the fresh and salty sea and a BBQ on a boat  that passed by. I can also smell the fresh air.

I can see the crooked jagged cliffs. I see millions of moss like a hoard of zombies and the trees swishing like basketball hoops. The trees were also like the big loud swishes from the waves.

In my head I can hear the shivering boat engine revving and the hard wind blowing me away.In my hands I can feel the circled ruff bushes and the freezing cold water.

My taste buds can't taste the salty crispy chicken.


Tuesday 11 May 2021

JA introducing myself in sign language

today we were learning sign language i had help from a piece of paper and learning sign language next time i would change the way i showed i wish i could have one it better

Friday 7 May 2021

JA my ok bedroom

i enjoyed making this peice of writing becuase i got to talk about my room. next time i would change the part about me describing my room. i would delete the part about air