Friday, 16 April 2021

JA holy week reef

Today we were learning about holy by making this reef. This reef tells the story of holy week. I am proud of my art because i did it with an broken arm. Next time i would change the colours now i'll be sharing the story when Jesus enters jerusalem the crowd spread leaves and clothing they all shouted hosanna in the highest!The last supper Jesus took the bread and said, take this bread and eat it as it is my body.Jesus prays in gethsemane it says he fell on his face and prayed  if it is possible take this cup but drink it from me but will pass as you.Jesus is crucified Jesus yeled, my god my god why have you forsaken me. The resurrection of jesus says he is not here for he has risen. The ascension of Jesus the cloud lifts him up out of sight. The holy spirit comes down and there  appeared to them tongues as of fire resting on each one of them and were filled with the holy spirit finished ok bye i'll be posting later


JA the story of horota

I enjoyed making these slides becuase i like animations. I found it tricky to finish in the time i was supposed to. Next time i would change the images


JA sea week

I enjoyed making these slides becuase i got to laern about the eels and so you could read this too. I found it tricky to find all the ten facts but i made it at the end.

JA 2021 goals

i enjoyed making this becuase i finally made my mum do homework. i found tricky to do nothing really. next time i would change the goals


Tuesday, 13 April 2021

JA two truths and a lie

i enjoyed making this peice of writting becuase i got to make up a fictanil story. i found it tricky to finish it on time becuase i had three storys. Next time i would change the writting becuase there are alot more stories.

Monday, 12 April 2021

JA whale art

i enjoyed drawing the whale becuase i like drawing.I found it tricky to get the perfect shape for the whale becuase i dont think ive drawn a whale before.Next time i would change the couloure beacuase there is a lot more.we did the whale art becuase we read


JA hot cross bun collage

i enjoyed making the hottcross bun collage becuase we got to be creative and ad images. i found it tricky to find the right images becuase most of them where blury. mabe next time i would change my quality blog post.