Thursday 20 May 2021

You've probably made a mother's day card, but have you seen this one

Today we were learning how to weave and make a card because it was close to mother's day. Also it was an exciting day because we were in our pj's while making our cards. We used white string to weave through and across all the holes that I made at the beginning of our art. The hardest part was a little bit hard. I had to to weave through the holes with thick tape but over that it was enjoyable. In the comments rate my art out of 1 to 10 thank for reading and kakito. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jaden, my name is Daniel and I am your Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu blogger budy. I really like the way your card looks. I didn't do anything close to that good for my card. I would rate your card 10 out of 10. It is sooo amazing. Kia Kaha! I really liked that you explained what you did. I will try it out one day! Maybe next tim you could add a little more text, but don't feel bad because this is and awsome blog post. Overall this is an amaing blog psot Jaden. Keep It Up! If you want to visit my blog please go to


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