Tuesday 24 August 2021

The picture of maui finding his father

The picture of maui finding his father

 Today we have been learning by watching a video about how Maui found his father .We had a lot of options to choose from, like make a story digitally,draw it or write it and there were loads more . I decided to make a picture.

 First i had to watch the video well then i made a picture of a scene in the video. I enjoyed making this picture because I love getting creative in finding right pictures. I found it tricky to find the exact people and pictures. I hope you like it thanks and here's the link to the video



1 comment:

  1. Morena Jaden,

    Woohoo! Keep the great blog post coming Jaden. I really like that you were so creative with this task Jaden. What scene from the story is this? It would be even better if you could explain what is going on here in your blog post.

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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