Monday 30 August 2021

watch a bird dodge obstacles

watch a bird dodge obstacles 

Today we learnt to apply knowledge by reading some books on birds. First i had to pick what i had to do from a slideshow which had 7 options. i chose to make a slide with a bird dodging obstacles.

 I enjoyed making the slide because it was easy. I found it tricky not to mess up because I had to press the arrow keys a certain amount of times on each to move on the next slide. 

 Please comment down below to see what i can change and i will check my comments thank you bye.


1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Jaden,

    You are getting pretty good at these stop motion animations now. I really liked the realist bird and trees you picked. I wonder if you could challenge yourself by adding in some text and/or other elements to your animations.

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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